dc.contributorUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.creatorHerreño-Contreras, Yomaira Angélica
dc.identifierHerreño-Contreras, Y. (2020). Inglés con propósitos específicos: escenario para el desarrollo de la competencia argumentativa. Lenguas Modernas, (55), pp. 89-113. https://revistas.uchile.cl/index.php/LM/article/view/58720/62314
dc.description.abstractThis article displays a methodological proposal aimed at the development of the argumentative competence in English as a foreign language. It consists of three stages and was implemented in subjects such as English 6, 7, legal English 1 and legal English 2 at the law faculty from Universidad Santo Tomás in Villavicencio (Colombia). It was developed under the framework of the qualitative research approach, and sought to respond to students’ needs in terms of the development of the oral production and the strengthening of Higher Order Thinking Skills, autonomy and self-regulation. Consequently, a legal argumentation cycle was designed and implemented over the course of the three pedagogical stages. It was enriched with various methodological strategies, such as digital storytelling, news storytelling, debate, SMART goals and Bloom’s taxonomy. The instruments to collect data were students’ journals, a speaking rubric and a survey. The results suggest that English for Specific Purposes is a suitable learning scenario for the person’s integral education as a historical subject committed to transforming his context.
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleInglés con Propósitos Específicos: Escenarios para el Desarrollo de la Competencia Argumentativa

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