dc.creatorCorchuelo-Rodriguez, C. A.
dc.creatorOstos Ortiz, Olga Lucía
dc.creatorBarreto Montenegro, Alexis Eduardo
dc.creatorPáez, Luz Marina
dc.creatorFlorian Escobar, María del Pilar
dc.creatorCastillo Medellín, Diego Daniel
dc.creatorMillán Ramírez, María Alejandra
dc.creatorGarnica Posada, Laura Camila
dc.creatorLópez Salamanca, O.P., Fray Juan Ubaldo
dc.creatorCortés Gallego, O.P., Fray Mauricio
dc.description.abstractThe General Academic Vice-Rectory, the Headquarters Research and Innovation Office, the USTA Scientology Observatory and the Center for Learning and Research Resources (CRAI USTA), on June 20 presented the USTA Bibliometric Bulletin to the academic community, a Annual publication with quantitative information on platforms such as Scopus, Web of Science (WOS), Google Scholar, USTA Magazines, Institutional Repository, among other platforms. In the words of Fray Mauricio Antonio CORTÉS GALLEGO, OP, Vice Chancellor General Academic, with the launch of the bulletin "one of many initiatives of the General Academic Vice Rectory that highlights the research, science, knowledge and innovation of the university life of the USTA ". Accordingly, Olga Lucia Ostos, Director of the Research and Innovation Directorate, said that the bulletin "allows the academic impact to be visible in journals such as Scopus, among others." This is the first time that USTA Colombia has the analysis of academic and scientific information in the most representative platforms at national and international level. In this way, the faculties and divisions can identify the behavior of the publications of their teachers and researchers from 2004 to 2018. In addition, the behavior of citations, Index H and the impact factor of the journals are analyzed as an input for students publishers adjust their strategies for the calls of Publindex. Finally, the use of the contents published by the academic community on Open Access platforms and Institutional Repository is identified as a strategy to strengthen the dissemination of content within the framework of open science. During the launch the recognition of the authors, researchers and editors and USTA Colombia with greater bibliometric impact was made as a prize for their dedicated and hard work in the generation and dissemination of new knowledge.
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dc.rightsAtribución-CompartirIgual 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleLanzamiento boletín bibliométrico USTA: análisis de la información con impacto académico
dc.typeApropiación Social y Circulación del Conocimiento: Generación de contenidos impresos, radiales, audiovisuales, multimedia, virtuales y Creative Commons

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