dc.contributorÁlvarez Camargo, Pablo Andrés
dc.contributorGalarza Bogotá, Cesar Mauricio
dc.creatorLeón Vargas, Luisa Daniela
dc.identifierLeón Vargas, L. D. (2019). Diseño de sistema de control para telar plano de doble pasada.Tesis de pregrado. Universidad Santo Tomás. Tunja.
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractThis Project refers to the realization of the design a control system for a doublé-looped flat loom, for the manufacture of cloth, destined to the manufacture of hats and backpacks of the Company artesanías ALROL the Colombia, which is located in the city of Tunja. Based on the analysis of the functioning of the sensors, it is important that the technical specifications, operating manuals and maintenance books are in Spanish, since otherwise it will be an important limitation for the development of the Company, therefore the only information that it was found in Chinese and infographically there is no data of these. Through the study of three-phase power supplies, it was concluded that the most viable to use is the RQ125-D, since it generates the optimal voltajes for the control design, because it has outputs of 12V and 5V. The sensitivity study of the optocouplers, was carried out so that this device could make the connection between two circuits, in such a way that they would be optically united, which makes the protection effect of the circuit, tests were carried out with different values of resistances, until reaching the suitable for protection against the voltaje peaks of the PIC18F4550, the sensors and the relay that goes to the motor; reducing costs for the Company by not having to buy a specialized device for this.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Ingeniería Electrónica
dc.publisherFacultad de Ingeniería Electrónica
dc.relationManual De Mantenimiento. Zhenjiang Hengxin Machunery Co., Ltd. Dirección: Industrial Park, Ganlin Town, Shengzhou City.
dc.relationEduardo García Breijo. COMPILADOR C CCS Y SIMULADOR PROTEUS PARA MICROCONTROLADOR PIC. Editorial: Alfaomega, marcombo ediciones técnicas.
dc.relationAntonio CREUS SOLE. Instrumentación Industrial. Octava edición. Editorial: marcombo ediciones técnicas, Alfaomega.
dc.relationEmilio García Moreno. AUTOMATIZACIÓN DE PROCESOS INDUSTRIALES. Editorial: Alfaomega, Universidad Politécnica De Valencia.
dc.relationTania Pérez-Bustos. Hilvanar tecnologías digitales y procesos de tejido o costura artesanal: una revisión de prácticas. 10 de febrero de 2017. doi:10.11144/Javeriana.syp36-70.htdp
dc.relationhttp://en.action-cn.cn/news_detail/newsId=1.html Shaoxing Action Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.titleDiseño de sistema de control para telar plano de doble pasada

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