Apropiación Social y Circulación del Conocimiento: Generación de contenidos impresos, radiales, audiovisuales, multimedia, virtuales y Creative Commons
Perfil profesional
Tibocha Niño, Astrid
Cedeño Varela, Caterine
Herrera Monsalve, Doris Yaneth
Hernández Barriga, Fabiola Inés
Fonseca Ortiz, Lina María
Jiménez Guevara, Karen Lorena
Orozco, Carlos Alfonso
Fernández Peña, Iliana
Robles Castro, Luis Fernando
Piza Amado, Karoll
Lozano Rodriguez, Mayra Alejandra
Cuartas Méndez, Diana Maria
Garzón, Gabriel Ángel
Florian Escobar, María del Pilar
Paez, Luz Marina
Velásquez Vallejo, Nadia Verónica
Guzman Roa, Camilo Andrés
Carrillo Fonseca, John
Corchuelo Rodriguez, Camilo Alejandro
Chaves Sáenz, Margarita
Medina Montes, Jenny Macela
Knowledge communication strategy: Through this strategy, researchers from the University Governance and Knowledge Management research group answered the question, What is the future of higher education?
This is part of the activities of social appropriation of knowledge of the university research groups whose objective is to contribute to the democratization of knowledge. In this way, the Research and Innovation Directorate fosters the Social Appropriation of Knowledge and Citizen Participation in CTeI projects, which may be the community in general, learn about the research activities carried out by researchers and research groups of the Santo Tomás University .