La firma y sus conflictos en el contrato electrónico estatal
2015Registro en:
reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Rincón Rodríguez, Robinson
Thatanxietyelectroniccontracting and signature are available in it, is a
subjectthatdoesnothavewidespreadknowledge in statebodies,
especiallyifquantitativeresearchtakes place in local authorities; therefore,
itisimportanttoanalyze, from a qualitativeperspective in thisarticle, the legal
context of theelectronicsignature of theUnitedNationsbornwiththeModelLaw,
whichnotonly normativiza use of electronicsignatures,
butbringstheguidelineforitisincorporatedintodomesticlaw of states; so, too, will
be demonstratedonthe digital signature in theColombianrightunderLaw 527 of
1999, and theconnotationthatstillbehavesthehandwrittensignature, even as
isnecessary in some places as a condition of validityforcertainstatecontracts,
assertive case France, Belgium and Greece. The concern raised by electronic contracting and the signature to be used in it, is a topic that is not yet widely known. is a topic that is not yet widely known in the State entities, especially in the entities of the State, especially if the quantitative research is developed in the territorial entities. In territorial entities; therefore, it is relevant to analyze, from a qualitative perspective, in this qualitative perspective in this article, the vicissitudes that the signature in electronic the legal context of the electronic signature, born from the United Nations with the United Nations with the Model Law, which not only regulates the use of electronic the use of electronic signatures, but also provides a guideline for its incorporation into domestic law. The use of electronic signatures, but also brings the guideline for its incorporation into the domestic law of the states. Also elucidate about the digital and electronic signature in Colombian law in accordance with the according to Law 527 of 1999, and Decree 2364 of 2012; and the connotation that the handwritten signature still that the handwritten signature still carries, even required in some places as a requirement for the as a requirement of validity certain state contracts, peremptory case: France, Belgium and Greece.