dc.creatorRoa Banquez, Katherine
dc.creatorSarmiento Molano, Marcel Leonardo
dc.creatorRamírez, Stevens
dc.creatorPoveda Ortiz, Sandra Milena
dc.identifierRoa, Katherine., Sarmiento, Marcel., Ramírez, Stevens & Poveda, Sandra. (2015). CONSTRUCCIÓN DE UN LABORATORIO VIRTUAL BÁSICO PARA EL DISEÑO DE REDES TELEMÁTICAS COMO USO DIDACTICO. Universidad Santo Tomás Abierta y a Distancia.
dc.description.abstractThis project is based on conceptualizing, designing and building a virtual laboratory for the design of telematic networks as a didactic use; the project will be developed under three phases, in the first a literary review of the techniques, methods and parameters to be taken into account in the construction of the laboratory, the second will be implemented the design of the model under the parameters previously consulted and simulated under software specialized, and finally connectivity tests between the different components will be carried out. Therefore, the research focuses on a mixed method, since part of the research will use qualitative methods (phase I and II) and quantitative methods (Phase II); Likewise, a type of projective research is proposed, given that its fundamental axis is the construction of a virtual laboratory as a didactic use. At the end of the investigation, it is planned to deliver the virtual laboratory along with at least two practices that can be performed in these, in order to be used in the different University Care Centers (CAU) where the Computer Engineering program is present for to be used as a complement to the foundation classes in the area of ​​telematic networks.
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleConstrucción de un laboratorio virtual básico para el diseño de redes telemáticas como uso didáctico
dc.typeApropiación Social y Circulación del Conocimiento: Informes de investigación

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