Determinación del modelo de ocupación y uso en el territorio de la cuenca del río mayo, departamento de Nariño mediante la identificación de su uso potencial en la fase de aprestamiento del pomca
2019-06-21Registro en:
Riascos Delgado, F. D., & Burbano Valdez, F. (2019). Determinación del Modelo de Ocupacion y Uso en el Territorio de la Cuenca del Rìo Mayo, Deparatamento de Nariño Mediante la identificación de su Uso Potencial la Fase de Aprestamiento del POMCA. Pasto: Universidad Santo Tomas.
Riascos Delgado, Flor Dalila
Burbano Valdez, Fernando
The Hydrographic basin of the Mayo river has a great importance, it provides water resources to the North of Nariño and the south of Cauca. It presents particularly interesting environmental conditions as it hosts multiple conservation áreas and unique ecosystems.
The results within this study allow to determine and prioritize the most relevant dynamics of the basin and become in a mean to hasten management processes as well. This leads to focus the arrangement planning from its first stage to the real and urgent points of attention; diminishing in this way logistic, time and avoiding conflicts related with the Little participation of the communities established in the basin during the whole development process in the phases of the POMCA. The information as an aftermath of the methodological application in the preliminary phase of the study is a supply and instrument which supports the development of subsequent phases as a support tool in the making up and development of the prospective phase and the environmental zonification. Seen from other perspective, it is a guide for the orientation of social third parties who get involved and make decisions over activities to develop in the territories, seeking for a mankind-nature equilibrium that guarantees environmental, social and cultural sustainability for future generations.