dc.contributorValencia Granada, Juan Fernando
dc.contributorArboleda Lopera, Adolfo Emilio
dc.contributorRivas Sáenz, Juan José
dc.creatorPacheco Rivero, Oscar Santiago
dc.identifierPacheco Rivero, O. S. (2018). Balneario El Biscocho. San Rafael Antioquia. (Tesis pregrado). Universidad Santo Tomás, Medellín.
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractThe tourism project proposed in the San Rafael region is the ECOTOURISM, due to the characteristics evidenced in the region, since the greatest wealth that counts are the water sources. This is because it is categorized as the WATERS region. When observing the dynamics of the population, a close relationship is observed with this resource as a sustenance and a meeting place for the resident population. The project seeks to consolidate informal tourism evidenced in the area, this in order to ensure a better use of natural resources as a vital element for the municipality. In addition, indirectly, the project seeks to be an incentive for new projects in the area in order to centralize new economic activities for the region. By generating new economic tools for the municipality of San Rafael in the current activities of the region. The project seeks to include the resident population through new awareness practices through didactic classrooms and collective spaces where the community will have the opportunity to receive training on the conservation of the municipality's natural resources.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Arquitectura
dc.publisherFacultad de Arquitectura
dc.relationCorporacion autonoma regional de las cuencas de los rios negro y nare (cornare) (marzo 2017)HTTPS://WWW.CORNARE.GOV.CO/PLAN-CRECIMIENTO-VERDE/PLAN-CRECIMIENTO-VERDE-Y-DESARROLLO-COMPATIBLE-CON-EL-CLIMA.PDF
dc.relationOrley santacruz valencia (Agosto de 2011) HTTP://CDIM.ESAP.EDU.CO/BANCOMEDIOS/DOCUMENTOS%20PDF/SAN_RAFAEL_ANTIOQUIA_PG_2015.PDF
dc.relationClaudia maria giraldo velasquez - Sandra zapata aquirre(Septiembre de 2010) HTTP://WWW.COLMAYOR.EDU.CO/UPLOADED_FILES/IMAGES/CONVENIOSVICE/GIET/TURYDES_POLTICAS_ND7QH.PDF
dc.relationMinisterio de comercio, industria y turismo - Ministro cultura (Septiembre de 2007) HTTP://WWW.FONTUR.COM.CO/AYM_DOCUMENT/AYM_NORMATIVIDAD/2007/POLITICA_DE_TURISMO_CULTURAL.PDF
dc.relationCadena turismo de naturaleza en antiquia(2012) HTTP://WWW.CAMARAMEDELLIN.COM.CO/SITE/PORTALS/0/DOCUMENTOS/2017/PUBLICACIONES%20REGIONALES/9%20TURISMO_OCT19.PDF
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleBalneario El Biscocho San Rafael Antioquia

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