dc.contributorCabeza Rojas, Ivan
dc.contributorForero, Daniel Felipe
dc.creatorPaternina, Maria Fernanda
dc.creatorFernandez, Angela Astrid
dc.identifierFernandez, A. A. & Paternina, M. F. (2020). Evaluación de diferentes variables operacionales en un sistema de biofiltración con tres tipos de lechos orgánicos para la remoción simultánea de Sulfuro de hidrogeno (H2S) y Amoniaco (NH3) (Trabajo de pregrado de Ingeniería Ambiental). Universidad Santo Tomás. Bogotá, Colombia.
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractCurrently the industrial activity in the different processes generates offensive odors, which are considered as air pollution since they affect the quality of life of people, thus being a problem for society. That is why knowledge of the sources of odors and existing technologies for their control is of great importance to propose solutions and facilitate the installation of a system for the control of basic odors. In the present article, the simultaneous removal of H2S and NH3 compounds in three types of pollinaza-poda (PO), pollinaza-bagazo (BA) and pollinaza-cascarilla (CA) organic beds was evaluated from the operational variables of retention and humidity. Initially a conditioning of the operating conditions of the pollutants was carried out, with respect to the operation of the Salitre wastewater treatment plant in order to establish a Biofiltration system. The biofilter system input concentrations were subjected to two phases, the first phase was the evaluation of the retention time variable, using maximum (250 ppm - 19 ppm) and average (50 ppm -4 ppm) concentrations of H2S and NH3 respectively, clarifying that each of these remained for four days, until the measurements were completed. The second phase is the humidity variable where concentrations of 70 ppm and 7 ppm of H2S and NH3 were handled, the measurements were made for 5 months, measuring three times throughout the day. Considering the input and output data of the system, it was taken into account to estimate the removal efficiency of the two pollutants, with the BA biofilter being the best organic bed to remove H2S with 70% efficiency, at a concentration It should be noted that obtained elimination efficiencies with values ​​greater than 50% in all the beds studied, although differences were found between the efficiencies these are related to the different types of beds and their different physicochemical characteristics of composting that are of great importance for the good performance of the system Biofiltration, parameters such as pH, humidity, porosity and water retention give the system stability. To analyze the significant differences between the operational variables and the biofilters, the R software was used, which showed that the humidity variable is the one that best exerts a significant effect on the removal efficiency.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado de Ingeniería Ambiental
dc.publisherFacultad de Ingeniería Ambiental
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.titleEvaluación de diferentes variables operacionales en un sistema de biofiltración con tres tipos de lechos orgánicos para la remoción simultánea de Sulfuro de hidrógeno (H2S) y Amoniaco (NH3)

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