dc.contributorNatalia Garavito, Laura
dc.contributorUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.creatorRivera Niño, Ángela Daniela
dc.identifierRIVERA ,A.(2021).Trabajo social en la inspección de policía del municipio de Moniquirá Boyacá. Trabajo de pregrado. Universidad Santo Tomás.Tunja
dc.description.abstractThis project analyzed the processes that are carried out in the police inspection, regarding the behaviors that affect the urban integrity of the municipality of Moniquirá. The analysis of these behaviors is based on the national code of police and coexistence, which makes known the behaviors contrary to the urban integrity of the municipality and their respective corrective measures; Consequently, different types of activities were carried out such as: visual inspections, verification of licenses and compliance with them, suspension of works and support in the projection of responses to the community; The purpose of this practice is to face real situations to which we are exposed as civil engineers and to be able to demonstrate the skills that were obtained in the academic training process offered by the Santo Tomas de Tunja University. The main reflection of the internship is that officials who fulfill control roles and are authorities in urban planning must be trained, so that they know the scope of their profession and the means they have to exercise control, as well as that they have full knowledge of current regulations; that they work as a team and invest in generating installed capacity in municipalities where there are violations of urban integrity in the imposition of corrective measures such as the fine for urban infringement and the demolition of the works built to citizens who violate this complex regulation. The execution time of this practice was divided as follows: of 100% of the activities, 77% were executed in the verification of licenses, 11% in ocular inspections, 10% in customer service and 2% in projection of responses. . Keywords: inspection, suspension, urban, control, license.
dc.publisherPregrado Ingeniería Civil
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.titleTrabajo social en la inspección de policía del municipio de Moniquirá Boyacá.

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