Presencia de eventos adversos en la prestación de servicio de salud en la ips triniservicios durante el 2021
2022-01-01Registro en:
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reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Mosquera Fuentes, Lina Indira
Mosquera Fuentes, Nohora Isabel
SUMMARY: This document shows the importance of patient safety as a fundamental basis within health entities to maintain the quality of care. This leads us to identify that one of the largest exposures to adverse events are seen in health institutions, so this research is done to identify within the health institution ips (Triniservicios) possible adverse events that may occur during the provision of health services to patients. It is a priority to know that, in Colombia, patient safety is defined as the set of structural elements, evidence-based processes, tools and methodologies that minimize the risk of adverse events in the health care process or mitigate their consequences. In addition, It involves the ongoing assessment of the risks associated with health care to design and implement the necessary safety barriers during service provision. (Minsalud).
KEYWORDS: Patient safety, adverse event, health institution