Discurso político en la educación colombiana: Estudio de relaciones de poder en el programa La Revolución Educativa del Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia en el periodo presidencial 2002-2010
2019-11-12Registro en:
Quintero Polo, A.H. (2019). Discurso Político en la Educación Colombiana: Estudio de Relaciones de Poder en el Programa La Revolución Educativa del Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia en el Periodo Presidencial 2002-2010 [Tesis doctoral]. Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, Colombia.
reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Quintero Polo, Alvaro Hernan
This doctoral dissertation addresses a problem about some power realizations implicit in the sub-discourses of the discourse of educational quality in the context of the program La Revolución Educativa of the Ministry of National Education of Colombia corresponding to the presidential term 2002-2010 . The study focuses on the critical analysis of political discourse and argumentation. Power and discourse intersect in contexts where power relations are executed and promulgated in such a way that speech orders are constituted and determined (Fairclough, 2001). Thus, in La Revolución Educativa, the discourse of educational quality takes place. The political dimension of the discourse of educational quality takes the form of a practical argument. This is the context where power has practical realizations that are examined here.
The research question that guided the study is: What characteristics do the sub-discourses of the political discourse of educational quality have in relation to realizations of implicit power in Colombian educational policy, especially the program La Revolución Educativa of the Ministry of National Education of Colombia from the presidential period 2002-2010? What constituted data, that is, the corpus, in this study is made up of three documents that represent guidelines for La Revolución Educativa, which were selected according to their importance and influence in Colombian educational policy, they are, namely, statements of the minister of education of the time that were published on the institutional website of the Ministry, in the "Al Tablero" section and the portal "Colombia Aprende"; the National Ten-Year Education Plan 2006-2015 (MEN, 2007) and the Final Report of the World Forum on “Education for All” (UNESCO; 2000). In particular, some statements were selected in different sections of each document. The corpus was complemented with documents from sources and related social and political actors in order to achieve intertextuality.
The research design took the Critical Analysis of the Political Discourse of Fairclough & Fairclough (2012) and the Discursive and Argumentative Approach to the Policy Analysis of Fischer (2003) as post-structural and post-empiricist alternatives to account for the nature of the argument, of the political and the discourse of the object of study. The analysis yielded as findings represented by a main category "The chimera of the revolution: Tensions between the notions of education as a transformative power and education as a scenario of domination in the discourse of quality in educational policy" and by the subcategories "Education , power and democracy ”; "Education, hegemony and ideology."