dc.contributorMendoza Plazas, Yenny Beatriz
dc.contributorUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.creatorCarvajal Garavito, Robinson Jaime
dc.creatorNiño Rodriguez, Andrés Felipe
dc.identifierCarvajal Garavito, R. J & Niño Rodríguez A. F (2021). Análisis multitemporal del cambio de cobertura y uso del suelo sobre los servicios ecosistémicos como herramienta de conservación en el humedal Gualí Tres Esquinas, ubicado en el municipio de Funza (Cundinamarca)). [Trabajo de grado Ingeniería Ambiental] Repositorio Institucional
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractAround 2014, the Gualí-Tres Esquinas wetland was declared a regional Integrated Management District (DMI) by CAR. Subsequently through the Agreement 11 made in 2017, the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) was adopted in its direct area of influence (89.28% in the municipality of Funza). The plan aims to implement measures that contribute to the conservation of the natural resources and the ecosystem. After the result of the identification of anthropic affectations in the wetland, among which are: contamination by industrial and domestic discharges, discharge of solid waste, conflicting use for livestock and agriculture, extraction of water by means of motor pumps, and expansion of urban areas. Considering the affectations mentioned above, the present work aims to develop a multi-temporal analysis of the effect of changes in land cover and use on ecosystem services as a tool for conservation in the Gualí-Tres Esquinas wetland located in the municipality of Funza (Cundinamarca). This is done by interpreting satellite images over a period of 56 years, identifying the ecosystem services provided by the wetland, and evaluating the effect of the change in coverage on the provision of identified ecosystem services. The methodology used was based on a photointerpretation process for the identification, classification and analysis of land use and cover from photographs taken of the study area in the years 1963, 1977, 1993, 2007 and 2019, with a 15-year average time range between them. Likewise, a statistical analysis of the change in coverage was proposed through the Wilcoxon test, to determine if this variation is significant and to subsequently evaluate the effects of soil change on ecosystem services (SE). Finally, strategic projects aimed at the conservation and recovery of the wetland were formulated and established in order of intervention to define their prioritization. After identifying the covers in the wetland conservation area for each year of study and developing the statistical analysis, it was possible to determine that the variation in change of covers between the surveyed periods and the 56 years of study are not significant. When evaluating the activities carried out in the area of direct influence of the wetland by actors present and adjacent to it, it was concluded that the impact on the provision of ecosystem services is defined by land use and not by the change in coverage.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado de Ingeniería Ambiental
dc.publisherFacultad de Ingeniería Ambiental
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleAnálisis multitemporal del cambio de cobertura y uso del suelo sobre los servicios ecosistémicos como herramienta de conservación en el humedal Gualí Tres Esquinas, ubicado en el municipio de Funza (Cundinamarca)

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