dc.contributorWaked, Mauricio
dc.contributorUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.creatorChaparro Medina, Nicolás Esteban
dc.creatorLópez Páez, Santiago
dc.identifierLópez, S & Chaparro, N. (2021) Modelo de vivienda para comunidad indígena desplazada de su territorio - Embera Katió. [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Santo Tomás]. Repositorio insitucional - Crai Usta Tunja.
dc.description.abstractThe forced displacement of indigenous communities in Colombia affected some aspects of their culture. This is the case of the Embera Katió community, based in Puerto Boyacá, Boyacá. Displaced from Chocó, they arrived in the 1990s. Their ways of living, due to the continuous movements of their people, ended in the loss of their housing customs, which represented a transformation due to adaptation to the environment where they lived. find. This constitutes a deterioration in their quality of life, since the spaces that are adequate for their settlement are not adaptable to even acceptable conditions. Reason for which an architectural proposal for housing and settlement is generated, which contributes to improving their quality of life, preserving the cultural aspects that they still have today.
dc.publisherPregrado Arquitectura
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleModelo de vivienda para comunidad indígena desplazada de su territorio - Embera Katió.

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