dc.contributorGomez Arciniegas, Carlos Humberto
dc.creatorRey Naranjo, Andrea Camila
dc.creatorMuñoz Pinto, María Fernanda
dc.identifierRey Naranjo, A. C. y Muñoz Pinto, M. F. (2019). Los articuladores urbanos para la integración de los hábitats dispersos de periferia [Tesis de Pregrado]. Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga, Colombia
dc.description.abstractThe present work of degree, in research modality, assumes the study of a peri-urban area of the city of Bucaramanga, specifically the Vegas neighborhood of Morrorico, located in the 14th district of the city. The sector is subject to different urban conditions and presents a series of physical and functional characteristics that make it a periphery habitat overwhelmed by a series of endogenous and exogenous problems, linked mainly to phenomena related to the accelerated urban expansion of the city. Parallel to the difficulties of the integration of dispersed habitats from the periphery to the compact city, there are a lot of internal problems in the studied area since this is the receptacle of migratory phenomena, an accelerated and little planned construction projection, as well as negative aspects of socio-economic order that go against the development of a population, which has seen in recent years how this scenario has undergone constant changes that are detrimental to the natural and built environment, and even their quality of life. This is the basis of the research problem that seeks through a detailed reading of the territory and a careful diagnosis, identify a series of variables that, previously confronted with international and national referents, will allow issuing strategic guidelines to act timely as urban articulators of a sector, identified as a dispersed habitat of periphery, which presents problems of segregation within the same neighborhood and naturally with respect to its surrounding areas, in this case of rural and urban nature.
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleLos articuladores urbanos para la integración de los hábitats dispersos de periferia. El caso del barrio Vegas de Morrorico, Bucaramanga

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