dc.contributor | Salazar Madrigal, Angelica María | |
dc.contributor | Univesidad Santo Tomas | |
dc.creator | Barrera Cortes, María Camila | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2022-02-01T20:47:45Z | |
dc.date.available | 2022-02-01T20:47:45Z | |
dc.date.created | 2022-02-01T20:47:45Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2022-02-03 | |
dc.identifier | Barrera,M. (2021). Estado del arte de la infraestructura de la tecnología 5G enfocada a la capa física. Tesis de pregrado. Universidad Santo Tomas. Tunja. | |
dc.identifier | http://hdl.handle.net/11634/42900 | |
dc.identifier | reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás | |
dc.identifier | instname:Universidad Santo Tomás | |
dc.identifier | repourl:https://repository.usta.edu.co | |
dc.description.abstract | The development of this degree work aims to build the state of the art of 5G technology focused on the physical layer, so that the differences between the new technology and previous generations of mobile communications are disclosed, as well as the challenges and solutions raised at the international level and finally the future of the next generations. For the development process, the research methodology was carried out through documentary review of the disclosures made internationally, so that an approach was taken to the advances developed so far. | |
dc.language | spa | |
dc.publisher | Universidad Santo Tomás | |
dc.publisher | Pregrado Ingeniería Electrónica | |
dc.publisher | Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica | |
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dc.relation | Achaleshwar Sahai, G. P. (2011). Pushing the limitis of full - duplex: Desing and Real-time Implementation. Texas, USA: Technical Report TREE1104. | |
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dc.relation | Albreem, M. A., Juntti, M., & Shahabuddin, S. (2019). Massive MIMO Detection Techniques: A Survey . Finlandia: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Alcardo Alex Barakabitze, A. A. (2020). 5G network slicing using SDN and NFV: A survey of taxonomy, architectures and future challenges. Irlanda: Computer Networks . | |
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dc.relation | Suárez, L. L. (2017). Estudio de Prospectia en el uso de la tecnología 5G en Colombia al 2025. Bogotá : Universidad Santo Tómas. | |
dc.relation | Tanab, M. E., & Hamouda, W. (2019). Machine to Machine communications with massive access: Congestion control . IEEE. | |
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dc.relation | Wu, Y., Khisti, A., Xiao, C., Caire, G., Wong, K.-K., & Gao, X. (2018). A survey of Physical Layer Security Techniques for 5G Wireless Networks and Challenges Ahead . China: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Yang, W., & Fung, C. (2016). A survey on security in network functions virtualization. IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Zhang, X., Guo, X., & Zhang., H. (2021). RB Allocation Scheme for eMBB and URLLC Coexistence in 5G and Beyond. China: Telmo reis Cunha. | |
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dc.relation | Liu, G., Huang, Y., Chen, Z., Liu, L., & LI, Q. W. (2020). 5G Deployment: Standalone vs Non-Standalone from the Operator Perspective . Beijing : IEEE | |
dc.relation | Chen, W. C. (2014). 5G mmWAVE Technology Desing Challenges and Development Trends. Taiwan: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Campos, L. (2017). Estudo das caracterÍsticas de ondas milimÉtricas para os sistemas 5G . Niterói - RJ. | |
dc.relation | Buckley, B. D. (1998). Beamforming: A versatile approach to spatial filtering . IEEE . | |
dc.relation | Irfan Ahmed, H. K. (2018). A survey on Hybrid Beamforming Techniques in 5G: Architecture and System Model Perspectives . IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Guefry Leider Agredo, P. e. (2015). Sistemas MIMO con un elevado número de antenas: para la 5G inalámbrica . Cali. | |
dc.relation | Jia Liu, E. S. (2019). Hybrid - Beamfroming - Based Millimeter - Wave Cellular Network Optimization. IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Achaleshwar Sahai, G. P. (2011). Pushing the limitis of full - duplex: Desing and Real-time Implementation. Texas, USA: Technical Report TREE1104. | |
dc.relation | Zhongshan Zhang, X. C. (2015). Full Duplex tecniques for 5G Networks: Self - Interfernce cancellation, Protocol Design and Relay Selection. China: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Sahrish Khan Tayyaba, M. A. (2017). 5G Cellular network integration with SDN: Challenges, issues and beyond. Pakistan: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | 3GPP. (Ocubre de 2021). 3GPP. Obtenido de https://www.3gpp.org/about-3gpp | |
dc.relation | Ibrahim Afolabi, T. T. (2018). Network Slicing and Softwarization: A survey on Principles, Enabling Technologies, and solutions . Finlandia : IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Muhammad Nauman Irshad, L. D. (2019). A Hybris Solution of SDN Architecture for 5G Mobile Communication to Improve Data Rate Transmission. China: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Lusani Mamushiane, S. D. (2017). Leveraging SDN/VNF as key stepping stones to the 5G era in emerging markets. Sur Africa: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Van-Giang Nguyen, A. B.-J. (2017). SDN/NFV-Based Mobile Packet Core Network Architectures: A Survey. Iran: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Alcardo Alex Barakabitze, A. A. (2020). 5G network slicing using SDN and NFV: A survey of taxonomy, architectures and future challenges. Irlanda: Computer Networks . | |
dc.relation | Aleksandra Checko, H. L. (2015). Cloud RN for Mobile Networks - A Technology Overview. Dinamarca: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Raza, H. (2013). A brief survey of radio access network backhaul evolution: Part II. IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Ijaz Ahmad, S. S. (2019). Security for 5G and Beyond. FInlandia : IEEE. | |
dc.relation | A. Mukherjee, S. A. (2014). Principles of physical layer security in multiuser wireless networks: A survey. IEEE. | |
dc.relation | P.L.S.C Leslie Fernanda Monter, P. D. (2021). Comunicaciones en redes. Obtenido de http://cidecame.uaeh.edu.mx/lcc/mapa/PROYECTO/libro27/24_multiplexacin.html | |
dc.relation | P.L.S.C. Leslie Fernanda Monter Martínez, P. D. (2021). Comunicaciones en redes. Obtenido de http://cidecame.uaeh.edu.mx/lcc/mapa/PROYECTO/libro27/241_tcnicas_de_multiplexacin.html. | |
dc.relation | Beltran, Ó. L. (2020). Términos de referencia para la migración de LTE a 5G en colombia. Bogotá : Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. | |
dc.relation | Córdoba, F. A. (2018). Comparativo entre la tecnología de redes 4G y 5G y los beneficios de su implementación en Colombia . Santiago de Cali: Universidad Santiago de Cali. | |
dc.relation | Suárez, L. L. (2017). Estudio de Prospectia en el uso de la tecnología 5G en Colombia al 2025. Bogotá : Universidad Santo Tómas. | |
dc.relation | Murillo, O. P. (2021). Estudio de cobertura de la tecnología 5G para las zonas metropolitanas de la ciudad de Bogota D.C. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. | |
dc.relation | Mathew, A. (2020). Network Slicing in 5G and the Security Concerns . India : IEEE. | |
dc.relation | J. Cao, P. Y. (2019). Fast authentication and data transfer scheme for massive NB-IoT devices in 3GPP 5G network. IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Wu, Y., Khisti, A., Xiao, C., Caire, G., Wong, K.-K., & Gao, X. (2018). A survey of Physical Layer Security Techniques for 5G Wireless Networks and Challenges Ahead . China: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Albreem, M. A., Juntti, M., & Shahabuddin, S. (2019). Massive MIMO Detection Techniques: A Survey . Finlandia: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Security-Enhanced Floodlight. (2018). Obtenido de http://www.sdncentral.com/education/toward-secure-sdn-control-layer/2013/10 | |
dc.relation | Wu, Y., Khisti, A., Xiao, C., Caire, G., Wong, K.-K., & Gao, X. (2018). A survey of Physical Layer Security Techniques for 5G Wireless Networks and Challenges Ahead . China: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Porras, P., Shin, S., Yegneswaran, V., Fong, M., Tyson, M., & Gu, G. (2012). A security enforcement kernel for OpenFlow networks | |
dc.relation | Al-Shaer, E., & Al-Haj, S. (2010). FlowChecker: Configuration analysis and verification of federated OpenFlow infrastructures. | |
dc.relation | Yang, W., & Fung, C. (2016). A survey on security in network functions virtualization. IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Basile, A. L., Pitscheider, C., Valenza, F., & Vallini, M. (2015). A novel approach for integrating security policy enforcement with dynamic network virtualization. | |
dc.relation | Lindstrom, P. (2008). The Laws of Virtualization Security: Baselinemag.com Driving Business Success With Technology. | |
dc.relation | Otros, R. S. (2005). sHype: Secure hypervisor approach to trusted virtualized systems | |
dc.relation | Chonka, A., & Abawajy, J. (2012). Detecting and mitigating HX-DoS attacks against cloud Web services. IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Pastor, J. (Noviembe de 2017). Xataka . Obtenido de https://www.xataka.com/especiales/que-es-blockchain-la-explicacion-definitiva-para-la-tecnologia-mas-de-moda | |
dc.relation | Chaer, A., Salah, K., Lima, C., Ray, P. P., & Sheltami, T. (2020). Blockchain for 5G: Opportunities and Challenges . USA: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Dogra, A., Jha, R. K., & Jain., S. (2020). A survey on beyond 5G Network with the advent of 6G. India: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Chen, H., Wu, J., & Shimomura, T. (2018). New Reference SIgnal Design for URLLC and eMBB Multiplexing in New Radio Wireless Comunications . Italia: IEEE | |
dc.relation | Zhang, X., Guo, X., & Zhang., H. (2021). RB Allocation Scheme for eMBB and URLLC Coexistence in 5G and Beyond. China: Telmo reis Cunha. | |
dc.relation | Tanab, M. E., & Hamouda, W. (2019). Machine to Machine communications with massive access: Congestion control . IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Lv, T., Ma, Y., Zeng, J., & Mathiopoulos, P. T. (2018). Millimeter-wave NOMA transmission in cellular M2M communications for Internet of Things. IEEE | |
dc.relation | Khurpade, J. M., Rao, D., & Sanghavi, P. D. (2018). A Survey on IoT and 5G Network . India: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Muteba, K., Djouani, K., & Olwal, T. (2020). Opportunistic Resource Allocation for Narrowband Internet of Things: A literature Review. Turkia : IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Chettri, L., & Bera., R. (2019). A Comprehensive Survey on Internet of Things (IoT) Toward 5G Wireless Systems . India: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Bejerano, P. G. (Junio de 2021). ThinkBIG: Cellular V2X: Así conseguirá el 5G que los coches<<hablen>> entre sí . Obtenido de https://blogthinkbig.com/cellular-v2x-asi-conseguira-el-5g-que-los-coches-hablen-entre-si | |
dc.relation | Gyawali, S., Xu, S., Qian, Y., & Hu, R. Q. (2020). Challenges and Solutions for Cellular Based V2X Communications. Estados Unidos: IEEE. | |
dc.relation | Dogra, A., Jha, R. K., & Jain., S. (2020). A survey on beyond 5G Network with the advent of 6G. India: IEEE. | |
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dc.rights | http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ | |
dc.rights | Abierto (Texto Completo) | |
dc.rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess | |
dc.rights | http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_abf2 | |
dc.rights | CC0 1.0 Universal | |
dc.title | Estado del arte de la infraestructura de la tecnología 5G enfocada a la capa física. | |