dc.creatorCamargo Rojas, Diana Alexandra
dc.creatorOsorio, Julián
dc.identifierCamargo, D., & Osorio, J. (2021).Comprensión de la cultura física desde las políticas públicas nacionales e internacionales, Repositorio - Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractPhysical culture at a global level during the last century and through its presence in educational and social spheres has generated practices that have allowed the development of concepts, organizations, diversity of knowledge and new sensitivities; However, in Colombia the contributions made on the subject are scarce, which is why this discipline is not recognized within the political and social framework of the country. Objective: to identify the conceptions and approaches of Physical Culture in the framework of national and international public policies, its relationship with the theoretical references and the vision of the actors. Methodology: Qualitative approach research that will develop a descriptive study, where a documentary review and in-depth interviews of key actors in the field of study will be carried out, which allows to recognize the concepts, theories and models raised throughout history, nationally and internationally around Physical Culture, within public policies, having Social Determination as a model of analysis. The information will be analyzed using a content analysis, from the systematization of the information in the Atlas ti software. Results: From the documentary review, there were few countries that introduce physical culture as a pillar of public policies related to physical activity, sport and recreation, among these countries are Russia, North Korea, Australia, Guatemala, Cuba and Mexico. In Colombia there are training programs, but it is not clearly recognized by decision makers and employers, who identify the actions of the sector with physical activity, sports and recreation and not with physical culture. Discussion: Physical culture is an emerging field that can become an integrating concept of physical activity, sport and recreation, but that also involves the relationship between body, movement and culture.
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleComprensión de la cultura física desde las políticas públicas nacionales e internacionales

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