dc.contributorDelgado, Frank
dc.creatorVillalba, Oscar
dc.creatorAcevedo, Ernesto
dc.identifierVillalba, O., y Acevedo, E. (2020). Percepción sobre la implementación del Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad ISO 9001 en instructores y funcionario del proceso misional de Formación Profesional Integral en el Centro Industrial de Mantenimiento Integral del SENA regional Santander. Bucaramanga. Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia
dc.description.abstractWith this research, an analysis was carried out on the perception of the implementation of the ISO 9001 Quality Management System in instructors and officials of the missionary process of Integral Professional Training in the Industrial Maintenance Center of the SENA Regional Santander, for which conceptualizations were addressed Theories of the categories under analysis: Quality and its management, Quality of service, Quality and Quality Management System in the educational field and Professional Training in Colombia. In this way, the theoretical elements indicated were deepened and later, through a non-experimental, transectional or cross-sectional methodology, to evaluate the perception generated in the implementation of the ISO 9001 Quality Management System in instructors and officials of the missionary process of Professional Training of the Industrial Center of Integral Maintenance of the SENA Regional Santander, having as results the analysis of the variables that allow making strategic decisions for the continuous improvement of the Quality Management System. This analysis focuses on identifying the perception of instructors and administrative officials on the implementation of the quality management system, seeking to identify opportunities for improvement and strengths that facilitate the participation and commitment of staff and provide the necessary resources for their maintenance and improvement; carrying out permanent evaluations of the system and correcting the failures presented in order to continuously improve the processes and thus offer and guarantee good service to the community. In summary, this research proposes an analysis on the implementation of the Quality Management System in the missionary process of Integral professional training in the Industrial Center for Integral Maintenance and seeks to make a contribution to the generation of knowledge about the opportunities that management has for increase the likelihood of meeting customer needs.
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titlePercepción sobre la implementación del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad - ISO 9001 en instructores y funcionarios del proceso misional de Formación Profesional Integral en el Centro Industrial de Mantenimiento Integral del SENA Regional Santander.

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