dc.creatorMena, Maricel
dc.creatorVergara Abril, Ana
dc.creatorSantamaría, Juan Esteban
dc.creatorVásquez Alarcón, Wiliam
dc.creatorTorres, Fernando
dc.creatorRodríguez, Mery Betty
dc.description.abstractThis research project addresses the issue of current religious fundamentalisms based on the study of the Letters of John because they are communities that live situations of internal divisions among their members. The increase in enmities, hatred and collective panic among brothers who share the same faith leads us to rethink the possibility of finding, in the dynamic of inclusive love, the legacy of the original John communities, a way out for reconciliation. We propose to face the conflict in a dialogical way and to propose routes of peace and citizen coexistence from the study and deepening of the main theological categories that lay the foundations of the conflict in these Letters and in current communities. This will be done from the work in biblical workshops with faith communities in Colombia and El Salvador.
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleModelos eclesiológicos para una Iglesia en salida
dc.typeFormación de Recurso Humano para la Ctel: Proyecto ejecutado con investigadores en empresas, industrias y Estado

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