Parte 2: Casos. Capitulo 6: Redes transnacionales de migrantes indígenas: la perspectiva desde Bogotá
2020Registro en:
Ordóñez , J . (2020). Dimensiones de la migración en Colombia. Bogotá: Universidad Santo Tomás.
Ordóñez Roth, Juan Thomas
This chapter analyzes the experience of the Kichwa population of Bogotá in light of their role in transnational trade networks.
in light of their role in the transnational trade and migration networks that have led the Ecuadorian
and migration networks that have taken the Ecuadorian indigenous group to multiple destinations in Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia.
multiple destinations in Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia. I suggest
that the case of the Kichwas established several decades ago in the Colombian ca- pital shows the articulation
I suggest that the case of the Kichwas established several decades ago in the Colombian capital shows the articulation of a specific and local perspective of trade and trade relations.
and local perspective of the commercial and kinship relationships that make up transnational networks.
transnational networks. Thus, the migrant community and its descendants in Bogota are
and their Bogota descendants are located in a particular node of the networks, where a specific and local
networks, where a unique political recognition has arisen in the system of transnational relations that hierarchically
The transnational relations system that hierarchizes the population in the city.
city. This localization occurs within a broader framework of commercial and familial connections in different countries, where a unique political recognition has arisen in the system of transnational
of commercial and familial connections in different countries, which generates dissimilar
experiences and perspectives of what it means to be indigenous across the system.
throughout the system.