dc.contributorSegovia Zúniga, Osvaldo
dc.creatorSaray López, Yessica Alexandra
dc.identifierSaray López, Yessica Alexandra. (2014). Beneficios de la alianza del pacífico para la industria cafetera colombo-chilena. Universidad Santo Tomás. Bogotá D.C
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractThrough the following research, we intend to inform about the commercial benefits of belonging to the Pacific Alliance, and how the main Colombian industry, coffee, can be strengthened with Chile. This commercial block formed by four countries Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile is fundamental for the progress of Latin America since many experts state that the Pacific Alliance is the materialization of an opposition to what Argentina and Brazil represent, in terms of protectionism and free market¹ in the MERCOSUR Agreement; on the contrary, the Alliance is growing by leaps and bounds since the International Monetary Fund assures that at this moment it is the sixth economy of the world and a greater growth is estimated in the following years.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Negocios Internacionales
dc.publisherFacultad de Negocios Internacionales
dc.relationDonald, C. T. (1993). Diseños experimentales y cuasiexperimentales de la investigacion social. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Amorrortu.
dc.relationPacífico, A. d. (abril de 2013). www.alianzadelpacifico.net.
dc.relationBuencafe. (2014). www.buencafe.com. Recuperado el 2014, de 100 % colombiano.
dc.relationCafeteros, F. F. (2013). /www.federaciondecafeteros.org. Recuperado el abril de 2014, de Federacion Nacional de Cafetero.
dc.relationCenicafe. (enero de 2014). http://www.cenicafe.org/. Recuperado el 2014, de ciencia tecnologia e innovacion para la caficultura colombiana .
dc.relationPacífico, A. d. (abril de 2013). www.alianzadelpacifico.net
dc.relationPacífico, C. A. (junio de 2012). www.alianzadelpacifico.net. Recuperado el 3 de abril de 2014
dc.relationHernandez Sampieri, R. (2010). Metodologia de la Investigacion . Mexico: Mc Graw Hill
dc.relationODEPA. (2014).
dc.relationBuencafe. (2014).
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleBeneficios de la alianza del pacífico para la industria cafetera Colombo-Chilena

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