Análisis comparativo entre propiedades del concreto hidráulico simple y el reforzado con fibras de vidrio y virutas de torno.
2017-08-01Registro en:
Arias, M. Y Rativa, W. (2017) Análisis comparativo entre propiedades del concreto hidráulico simple y el reforzado con fibras de vidrio y virutas de torno. Tesis de pregrado. Universidad Santo Tomás Tunja.
Arias Páez, Moisés
Rativa Vargas, Wilmer Fernando
In this research is evaluated, through results from an experimental study, a comparative analysis between physical and mechanical properties of simple hydraulic concrete and reinforced concrete with glass fibers type AR and E, as well as recycled metal fibers (lathe shavings), at different volumetric percentages of fibers, in concrete mixtures made with materials available in Tunja-Boyacá.
The research consists of the elaboration of eight mixtures of concrete, with thick aggregate of ¾” maximum size, washed sand, Portland cement of general use, lathe shavings, glass fibers type AR and E. One mixture of concrete without fiber as witness, three with lathe shavings in volumetric percentages of 1.0; 1.3 and 1.6%, one with glass fiber type E in volumetric percentage of 0, 05%, as a point of comparison, the degradation of these in front of the alkaline environment of the concrete, and three with glass fibers type AR in volumetric percentages of 0.03; 0.05 and 0.11%. The eight mixtures have the same proportions of water, cement, sand and gravel.
Properties were determined in fresh condition for each of the concrete mixtures: slump, cracking index by plastic contraction, trapped air content and volumetric weight. While, for concrete in hardened condition, was determined at 28 days of age: Compressive strength, indirect tensile strength (diametric compression), flexural strength (modulus of rupture), modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio.
Finally, from the experimental results achieved and from analysis, it will be possible to compare the performance of the type and optimal percentage of fiber for FRC, in the properties studied in this research. As well as the influence that had the inclusion of these fibers in the concrete mixture, as their advantages and disadvantages.