dc.creatorSegura Torres, Dario Alejandro
dc.creatorVitola Oyaga, Jaime
dc.creatorGelvez Lizarazo, Oscar Mauricio
dc.description.abstractThe proposal finally seeks to deliver a prototype of a voice command interface based on wireless acoustic sensor networks to selectively access device control through biometric authentication in a closed area. This involves the study of acoustic sensor networks, the study of biometric variables that may be compatible with the response of the voice recognition system, the design of the hardware necessary to control devices and the design of a computer system that supports the operation of the system.
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleDiseño e implementación de una interfaz hombre – máquina para el control de hardware en un área cerrada con autenticación biométrica basada en redes inalámbricas de sensores acústicos.
dc.typeFormación de Recurso Humano para la Ctel: Proyecto ejecutado con investigadores en empresas, industrias y Estado

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