dc.contributor | Pava Ratiaga, Javier Dario | |
dc.contributor | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=FkGITz0AAAAJ&hl=es | |
dc.contributor | https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001550083 | |
dc.contributor | Universidad Santo Tomas | |
dc.creator | Mojica Zuluaga, Juan Diego | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-10-04T17:23:45Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-10-04T17:23:45Z | |
dc.date.created | 2021-10-04T17:23:45Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2021-09-28 | |
dc.identifier | Mojica Zuluaga, J. (2021). Practica Internacional UNILIMA. [Informe, Universidad Santo Tomás]. Repositorio | |
dc.identifier | http://hdl.handle.net/11634/37760 | |
dc.identifier | repourl:https://repository.usta.edu.co | |
dc.description.abstract | The purpose of this article is to compile all the information regarding the international practice carried out at the University of Lima, Peru. The main objective of the practice was to expand the knowledge base acquired throughout professional training, as well as to know and develop abilities, skills and potential to respond and have a comprehensive global business, labor, social, economic and professional vision. which entails becoming an agent for the promotion and execution of regional development. The approach method was carried out through an agreement between the Universidad Santo Tomás and the Universidad de Lima, developed through business visits, addressing issues such as tactics and negotiation strategies benefiting the parties and establishing evidence of knowledge, photographic records and adaptation to the market demands | |
dc.publisher | Pregrado Comercio Exterior | |
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dc.rights | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/co/ | |
dc.rights | Abierto (Texto Completo) | |
dc.rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess | |
dc.rights | http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_abf2 | |
dc.rights | Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia | |
dc.title | Practica Internacional UNILIMA | |