dc.contributorLobo Ojeda, Sandra Marcela
dc.contributorUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.creatorHernández Meneses, Francisco Javier
dc.identifierHernández, M. F. (2021). Fit Target. [Trabajo de pregrado, Universidad Santo Tomás]. Repositorio Institucional.
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractFit target is a business idea that aims to promote, through communication and the digital world, a healthy life in terms of nutrition and exercise, this in order to avoid sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits. This work will be possible by means of a web page destined to the construction of content with the premise of persuading the public to change their habits and improve their physical and emotional health. This web page will have six sections in which there will be relevant intellectual and human capital for the construction of educommunicative pieces and their content regarding nutrition and sport. These sections are: News Portal, Blog, Semi-personalized attention, Gallery, Radio fit and Shop which will be explained throughout this report. It is important to show through studies and figures the magnitude of the problem and the importance and relevance of an undertaking like this. According to information from the news portal, "at least a quarter of the world's adult population, that is, about 1,400 million people, is at risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, dementia and cancer, due to a sedentary lifestyle." '(Velazques, 2019, p. S / p). In this way, this information that is relevant will be addressed during the text in order to highlight the relevance of this business idea, trying to persuade the target audience and thus motivate them to acquire other ways of eating and physical activity through learning. Throughout this writing, various views and information from health authorities such as the WHO at the international level and the ministry of health at the national level will be taken into account. The main objective of this social enterprise is to develop communicative pieces such as blogs, infographics, relevant news, podcasts along with other types of audiovisual content, through a web page where tips on nutrition, training and information on figures and problems in the health due to lack of physical activity or poor diet, thus promoting interaction with users. All this in order to promote a fitness culture, taking advantage of educommunication to provide messages that really make visitors aware, motivate them to change unhealthy habits and set a clear goal, where their health can improve with the help of the work that company performs. As a complement to the work previously exposed, there is a section where Fit Target offers a range of products that fulfill a task of supplements to optimize the results of the people who want it, this will be accompanied by tips for its use, times indicated to do it, pros and against to demonstrate its reliability and above all, total transparency in how much its benefits to the health of the consumer. Therefore, in this report, several concepts will be defined and addressed to support this idea from communication and its incidence at the time of social entrepreneurship, to contribute in some way to a great problem such as sedentary lifestyle and bad habits that have arisen. normalized and can radically affect health. Likewise, the whole business idea, projection and an entire strategic plan is proposed that will help to fulfill the main objective, to help save lives through prevention.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Comunicación Social
dc.publisherFacultad de Comunicación Social
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleFit Target

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