El currículum del área de la educación física como promotor de hábitos de vida saludable: caso colegio IED Veintiún Ángeles
2016Registro en:
reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Rivera Gómez, Rocio Azucena
This research work is part of the macroproject in phases 1 and 2, which was developed at the I.E.D. Twenty-one Angels. The macroproject has the general objective of determining if the components of the curriculum from the proposal for the Physical Education area promote healthy living habits in the students of the IED Veintiún Ángeles school. On the other hand, the specific objectives for phases 1 and 2 that will be carried out in this project are: Identify the curricular documents for the Physical Education area issued by international, national, district and institutional organizations, which will constitute the Macrocurriculum; Classify curriculum documents according to normative guidelines or conceptual documents; Analyze the conceptualization of the Physical Education area as a promoter of healthy lifestyle habits in the school environment of the IED Veintiún Ángeles school; Compare the curricular documents of international normative guidelines with the national ones regarding the promotion of healthy life habits and Analyze the coherence between the Institutional Educational Project and the national and district normative guidelines in the area of Physical Education. The school taken as a case for the problem statement is the IED Veintiún Ángeles school, of mixed gender and public nature, located in town 11 (Suba) of the City of Bogotá D.C. With official approval date according to resolution 2565 of July 26, 2007. The school has 2,935 students enrolled, divided into four venues and two days (morning and afternoon), organized in: Venue A, main campus (2,040 students); Venue B, Tuna Alta (300 students); Headquarters C, Casa Blanca (340 students); Campus D: The cherry trees (255 students). The school is public in nature and mixed gender. The two days are divided into four levels: Preschool, Preparatory A and Preparatory B; Primary: From 1st grade to 5th grade with two groups for each course; Baccalaureate: From 6th grade to 9th grade, it should be noted that 6th and 9th grades are divided into three different groups while 7th and 8th grades have two courses each. In the Technical Average: Grades 10 and 11, with specific emphasis on Business Sciences, Systems and Communication, with Design for grade 10; Marketing, Advertising and Systems for grade 11. The above, in agreement with the Compensar Foundation and the Minuto de Dios University. It should be noted that the school modality is Articulation of technical and professional technical education on an experimental basis. Systems specialization, or marketing and advertising.