dc.contributorTrillos Celis, Andres Leonardo
dc.creatorMantilla Maldonado, Fabian
dc.identifierMantilla Maldonado, F. (2019). Informe práctica empresarial DIAN [Tesis de pregrado]. Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga, Colombia
dc.description.abstractIn the Santander Free Zone Internal Group, all customs transit inspection processes are carried out in the 7 Free Zones of the department, these are carried out in 2 ways, either documentary or physical maritime inspection, in the second, visits to the qualified users of the free zones to rectify that the inventories are in accordance with what is registered in the free zone system. The customs division of the DIAN is governed directly by decree 1165 which specifies the way in which the authorities act and the way in which users carry out any procedure, such as the nationalization of goods imported from the rest of the world, the exit of goods without VAT to the TAN or the rest of the world, temporary income from limitations in order to provide a service to a qualified user, etc ... which are part of circulars 00043 of 2008 and 0005 of 2010, in which it is specified also the documents which they have to present to the operator user and to the DIAN. In the event that any transit does not comply with the provisions of the law, the GIT ZF has the obligation to rectify what the error was, if it can be redeemed quickly, the user will be informed to correct it or in case it is not redeemable we have to stop the traffic, and inform the inspection department, which decides if the notification is learned or if it can continue with the transit of it.
dc.relationDirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales, DIAN. (s. f.). Nueva estructura orgánica de la DIAN. Disponible en https://www.dian.gov.co/dian/entidad/Paginas/Organigrama.aspx
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.titleInforme practica empresarial DIAN

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