Habitabilidad incluyente para la población que convive con Alzheimer en la ciudad de Yarumal-Antioquia
2019-07-05Registro en:
Guio Riaño, S.N. (2019). Habitabilidad incluyente para la población que convive con Alzheimer en la ciudad de Yarumal-Antioquia.). Universidad Santo Tomás, Tunja, Colombia
Guio Riaño, Sergio Nicolás
The present Project was born from the interest of the forms of habitation of the geronto architecture or architecture for the elderly, integrated to specific limitations caused by different diseases thet age brings, such as Alzheimer´s and its consequences; the project seeks the interaction of the senses as a primary determinant and the perceptions of the environments as specific criteria of hermetic and sensory design, in which landscape atmospheres can be created with specific po[pulation dynamics focused on sensory capture of the environment.
Yarumal-Antioquia has been demarcated by a historical phenomenon and a notorious demographic phenomenon at the level of the population that resides in this place due to Alzheimer´s, being one of the few places in the world where there is early Alzheimer´s and Alzheimer´s prevalence since the times of the conquest until now, colloquially called The Curse of Yarumal, which stemmed due to the proliferation of the genes of the conquerors towards the local population nuclei of the time, which had an alteration in the PSEN1 gene, located in the fourteenth chromosome, cause of Alzheimer´s.