Formación de Recurso Humano para la Ctel: Proyecto ejecutado con investigadores en empresas, industrias y Estado
Macroproyecto dermatoglifia dactilar y fútbol Fase 2. Comparación de la dermatoglifia dactilar y el perfil morfofuncional de futbolistas mujeres universitarias y profesionales de la ciudad de Bogotá.
Castro Jimenez, Laura Elizabeth
Argüello, Yenny
Sanchez, Isabel
Melo Buitrago, Paula Janyn
The scientific literature on soccer, a sport with greater relevance at a global level; the information is mainly focused on men, there is very little information on women and the morpho-functional characteristics that they must have for their practice, as well as the genetic qualities that must be sought to achieve high achievements. Objective. To establish the differences and similarities between the genetic marker of fingerprint dermatoglyphics and the morphofunctional profile of the women's soccer teams at the university and professional levels in the city of Bogotá. Methodology. The research focus is quantitative, with a non-experimental correlational cross-sectional design. The sample is made up of women soccer players belonging to the university and professional fields, who will undergo a morphofunctional evaluation (evaluation of body composition and somatotype, oxygen consumption, maximum force and explosive force) and dermatoglyphic (Protocol proposed by Cummins H. and Midlo C. 1942). It is expected to know the relationship between the dermatoglyphic and morphofunctional profile of university and professional soccer players and to compare it with the profile of men that was part of the results of phase 1 of the 2019 project. Among the expected results is the generation of a product of knowledge generation and social appropriation.