dc.contributorPérez Hernández, Andrea Katherin
dc.identifierReferences Pérez Hernández, A. K. (2017). Construcción de una órtesis inteligente para rehabilitación de articulaciones de hombro y codo
dc.description.abstractRehabilitation is an area of ​​medicine that has a great social impact due to which aims to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities motor. For this reason, robotics has focused some of its studies on the development of smart rehabilitation devices that assist and simulate the movements of limbs in this type of patients. The purpose is to reduce recovery times on providing a human-natural robot interaction. For this reason, the Group of Study and Development in Robotics has decided to address this problem through the creation of an intelligent robotic orthosis that assists in limb movement superior to people with disabilities in this part of the body. The objective is to design a system that while being used by the person learns and adjusts to his movements to create a feeling of fluency and naturalness. On the other hand, The proposal aims to generate technological development products, generation of new knowledge and training of human resource at a master level for a student as research assistant
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleConstrucción de una órtesis inteligente para rehabilitación de articulaciones de hombro y codo
dc.typeFormación de Recurso Humano para la Ctel: Proyectos de investigación y desarrollo

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