Propuesta urbana bajos del Parque Berrio. Medellín, Antioquia
2020-10-27Registro en:
Cardona Carvajal, R.D. (2020) Propuesta urbana bajos del Parque Berrio. Medellín, Antioquia. Tesis de pregrado: Universidad Santo Tomás, Medellín
Cardona Carvajal, Rubén Darío
Over the years, industrialization arrived in the city and with it started the construction of the Medellín metro; which, despite bringing many benefits to the Valle de Aburra, caused the merchants who were in the central square, Now Berrio Park, to migrate to other places of the city to supply the demand of the citizens, leaving aside what was once the central market of Villa de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria de Medellín.
It is for this reason that the Medellín metro, in conjunction with the faculty of architecture of the Santo Tomás University, decided to put forward an urban proposal to refurbish the ground floor of the Berrio Park, in order to revive trade in this area and give a twist to the current use of it.
Thanks to this initiative, the degree project entitled "Low urban proposal Berrio Park" was born, which will serve as a foundation for the students of workshop 1, who will be in charge of developing the modules of sale for fruits and flowers to scale 1:1.