dc.contributorNarvaez Manrique, Jorge Alberto
dc.creatorTarazona Carrascal, Jorge Enrique
dc.identifierTarazona Carrascal, J. E. (2019). Diseño Arquitectónico de una Terminal de Transporte Terrestre en Los Patios - Norte de Santander [Tesis de Pregrado]. Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga, Colombia
dc.description.abstractThe projected transport terminal is based on a collection, analysis and projection of interdepartmental travel data offered and demanded by the current terminal to determine the capacity that the terminal will demand for year 2048; and with it, categorize the terminal according to the criteria established by NTC5454. Once the category of the land transport terminal is established, the methodology to be developed is determined to meet established objectives based on the theoretical development of the determinants for the architectural design of the land transport terminal for the metropolitan area binational. The geographical context of the place of implementation of the project from a global scale to a specific scale is studied and analyzed, in order to identify the criteria and determinants for the functional and conceptual development of the project, which, together with the analysis of architecture and theory. References to modular design theories, the basic principles of Mies Van Der Rohe and the archetype of the Patio as a computer element establish the compositional and functional principles of the land transport terminal. The projected transport terminal is structured around courtyards that function as a strategy for ventilation and natural lighting and at the same time highlight a symbolic value of the municipality in which it is located (Los Patios - Norte de Santander). These patios organize and structure the terminal working as delimiting zones of the functions referred to the other spaces. The computer systems and or structuring start from the spatial relationship of the activities composed by their respective circulations; that is to say, the terminal is composed from different structures of circulation: Public, private and semi-private, besides the vehicular circulations: Particulars and of public service (urban and intermunicipal).
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.titleDiseño Arquitectónico de una Termina de Transporte Terrestre en Los Patios - Norte de Santander

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