Sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en la empresa SST&A CONSULTING TEAM y empresas contratantes
2016-05-01Registro en:
Vargas Rivera, L.E. (2016). Sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en la empresa SST&A CONSULTING TEAM y empresas contratantes. Tesis de pregrado. Universidad Santo Tomás. Tunja..
Vargas Rivera, Laura Estefanía
Decree 1072 of 2015, Book 2, Part 2, Title 4, Chapter 6 (Unique Sector Regulatory Decree Labour), relates regulations applied with regard to safety and health management at work. Regulations necessary for the proper development of both civil works and other areas. It contains the different aspects and specific points to consider in safety and health activities a company or organization is performing.
The company SST&A CONSULTING TEAM S.A.S., which central purpose is to offer advice and support to different entities or civil works carried out by implementing in them the current regulation on safety and health at work.
Through contracting companies SST&A CONSULTING TEAM S.A.S called COMPANY 001, located in the city of Tunja dedicated to the production of brick and ENTERPRISE 002 whose economic activity is the construction of buildings and houses as is the construction project of affordable housing in the city of Duitama, diagnosis, planning and implementation of the Management System for Safety and Health at Work on the basis of the 1072 Decree 2015 was performed.
This document is a compilation of business practices made as an intern at the company SST&A CONSULTING TEAM S.A.S, who in turn was hired by the COMPANY 001 and the COMPANY 002. Companies named so because of confidentiality clauses that were handled.Likewise, it is accompanied by a photographic record and complementary documents attached that show processes performed to reduce accident rates and mortality in order to achieve an increase in productivity of the company.