Propuesta de diseño de una planta de tratamiento de aguas urbanas servidas del municipio de Guayabetal, Cundinamarca.
2021-07-23Registro en:
Ordoñez Agudelo , A. P., & Rivas Castañeda, J. S. (2021). Propuesta De Diseño De Una Planta De Tratamiento De Aguas Urbanas Servidas Del Municipio De Guayabetal, Cundinamarca. [Trabajo de grado, Universidad Santo Tomas]. Repositorio
Ordoñez Agudelo, Angie Paola
Rivas Castañeda, Juan Sebastian
Guayabetal-Cundinamarca has a combined sewerage system (Wastewater and Rainwater), in addition to that it has a Wastewater Treatment Plant (PTAR) that currently does not have the capacity to treat the flow of Water produced by the population; According to research and field visits, this plant is poorly located and has not been cleaned for years because the structure of this does not make such action possible, producing odors and affecting the health of the inhabitants.
This Document proposes the functional design of a PTAR using Active Sludge Technology - Conventional Mode, for removal of contaminants and suspended solids, finally proposing the best alternative for the ultimate disposal of Sludge Management. This design is carried out with the support of the application called PTAR DISEÑO, which was carried out by a group of researchers
from the Universidad Santiago de Cali (USC).