Orden de predicadores, 800 años: Tomo III. Figuras dominicas, siglos XVI-XX
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Ramírez, A. (2017). Orden de predicadores, 800 años: Tomo III. figuras dominicas, siglos XVI-XX. Bogotá: Ediciones USTA.
Amenta, Sara Graciela
Ballén Rodríguez, Juan Sebastián
Benavides Silva, Fabián Leonardo
Cruz Alonso, María
Escobar Herrera, Andrés Mauricio
Ferrari, Mariano
Gómez Bello, Eduardo Alberto
Jiménez Villar, Gonzalo Edmundo
López López, Juan Sebastián
Plata Quezada, William Elvis
Ramírez Barreto, Édgar Arturo
Ramírez Téllez, Alberto René
Romero Tovar, Sigifredo
Tenti, María Teresa
Torres Torres, Eugenio Martín
Valero Cuadra, María del Pino
Vásquez Pinzón, Clara Emilia
Vega Cernud, Miguel Ángel
Yate Rodríguez, Francisco Javier
During the feast of the Assumption of 1217, Domingo de Guzmán told his brothers, the members of the newly created Order of Preachers: "The piled wheat rots, but when it spreads it gives abundant fruit". This event, which has become a milestone in the early years of the Order of Preachers, could also be seen as an anticipation of the diversity with which the Dominican spirit has expressed itself throughout history. Dominicos were Tomás de Aquino and Martín de Porres, Pedro de Verona and Giordano Bruno, Rosa de Lima and Catalina de Siena, Alberto Magno and Fray Angelico, Henri Didon and Giorgio La Pira. The list could be extended in time and space, combining figures that, in spite of their notable differences, coincide in their intense search for truth and in their eagerness to share with others the fruit of their contemplation. It seems, then, that it is only possible to value the Dominican legacy as you learn to combine the simplicity of its charism with the diversity of men and women who have incarnated it. This volume, then, describes the life of these figures in light of their contributions or teachings from the Order of Preachers.