Análisis teórico de la incorporación de aceite residual de cocina como rejuvenecedor del RAP para la creación de pavimentos sostenibles en el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga.
2021-08-18Registro en:
Valdivieso Velasco, V. y Vásquez Ortiz, D. V. (2021). Análisis teórico de la incorporación de aceite residual de cocina como rejuvenecedor del RAP para la creación de pavimentos sostenibles en el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga. [Tesis de Pregrado]. Universidad Santo Tomás. Bucaramanga, Colombia
Valdivieso Velasco, Valentina
Vásquez Ortiz, Danna Vanessa
In this work, a theoretical analysis was carried out on the availability of waste cooking oil (WCO) and its rejuvenating effect on the physical and chemical properties of asphalt contained in the RAP for the preparation of new hot asphalt mixtures in the Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga (AMB), for which 5 stages were proposed. In the first stage, it was determined that the AMB has 21 thousand liters per month of WCO that could be used as a rejuvenator; in the second stage, 22 research articles and the INVÍAS standard necessary to meet the objective were selected and analyzed by means of a systematic literature review (SLR); in the third stage, it was determined that the adequate method to incorporate WCO as a RAP rejuvenator was the mixing method, under conditions of temperature at 145ºC, mixing time of 40 minutes and mixing speed of 1700 rpm; it was also suggested to use this rejuvenator in at least three values, 3%, 6% and 9%; In the fourth stage, the effect of WCO on the physical (penetration, softening point, ductility and viscosity) and chemical properties of the asphalt was determined, taking into account the SARA content (Saturates, Aromatics, Resins, Asphaltenes); finally, in the fifth stage, the adequate methodology was established for the preparation of new pavements using the Marshall methodology, where the percentages used in the mixture were established as asphalt from 2% to 5%; WCO of 3%, 6% and 9% and RAP of 20%.