La reproducción del enmarcado heteropatriarcal desde la praxis política lesbofeminista frente al amor y las relaciones erótico-afectivas no monogámicas
2015Registro en:
reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Carvajal Monroy, Ana
Rodríguez Gaona, Mónica (Mafer)
Feminist lesbianism1 as a social and political movement has positioned the need to understand being a lesbian beyond sexual identity, but as a political commitment to transformation. This has been developed and discussed within the framework of its historical journey, from its first references in the seventies with the impact of second wave feminism2, but also, during its steps in the Latin American and Caribbean context, through of Abya Yala-ELFAY3 Feminist Lesbian Encounters. From there, we continue claiming today the analysis and the political strategies from a structural reading that starts from situating the social reality from the power relations that cross it to complex, understand and de-structure them.