dc.creatorBasogain Olabe, Xabier
dc.creatorOlabe Basogain, Miguel Ángel
dc.creatorOlabe Basogain, Juan Carlos
dc.description.abstractThe history of computational thinking (pc), as is the case in many fundamental developments in science, reflects the convergence of multiple ideas from different areas of study such as cognitive sciences, linguistics, psychology and computer science. These areas, after developing in isolation, find a synergistic effect when applied to the area of ​​education, in particular, to processes involving generative languages ​​for the creation of novel methods and complex systems. Some of the pioneering thinkers in this field are Papert, Wing and Wolfram. One of the first references to the PC is in Disessa (2000), where he describes the value of applying primitive solutions cognitive problems to object-oriented problems, when observing the relationships between the components of a complex system. Can be find other similar references in Attwell (2010) and Learning Scratch (2015), where the fundamental ideas of dividing a complex task into a simpler set of tasks
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleInnovación educativa y gestión del conocimiento capítulo 5- Enseñanza del pensamiento computacional: metodologías y tecnologías educativas
dc.typeGeneración de Nuevo Conocimiento: Artículos publicados en revistas especializadas - Electrónicos

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