dc.creatorSánchez Giraldo, Cristhian Fernando
dc.creatorAlfaro, Ana María
dc.creatorGómez, Juan Miguel
dc.creatorBocachica, Laura Juliana
dc.creatorSoto, Nathalia Liliana
dc.creatorGutiérrez, Simón David
dc.creatorMuñoz, Andrea Milena
dc.creatorArdila, Julián Esteban
dc.creatorOrtiz, Nicholle Geraldine
dc.identifierSánchez, C.; Alfaro, L.; Gómez, J.; Bocachica, L.; Soto, N.; Gutiérrez, S.; Muñoz, A.; Ardila, J.; Ortiz, N. (2020). Minas antipersonales durante el conflicto armado [Diapositivas]. Bogotá: Universidad Santo Tomás.
dc.description.abstractDuring the Colombian armed conflict, different armed actors such as guerrilla groups, paramilitaries, and the national army, unleashed a battle in different regions of the country to maintain control in different areas of the same and its population; in order to impose its power in these geographical areas in favor of its objectives. Consequently, this allowed these actors to create various offensive and defensive strategies, to be able to counter the enemy attack within the scene of a warlike combat. Over time, one of the defensive mechanisms used by various armed groups outside the law is the implementation of explosive devices or antipersonnel mines that would protect their positions of interest, without taking into account that these will have great consequences not only for its members but also for the civilian population. Therefore, these slides seek to analyze what antipersonnel mines are as explosive devices, how they have affected Colombian territory and the civilian population. Likewise, its incidence in the modification of the Colombian jurisdiction by implementing the victims' law, seeking to formalize a demining process to counteract its effects and the challenges that it has been for peace in Colombia. Likewise, it will be evident how antipersonnel mines and humanitarian demining have been the subject of conferences, conventions and international treaties that seek to stop this type of acts that threaten the life and dignity of people. Finally, from the perspective of place exposed by John Agnew, the location of the MAPs by the FARC will be analyzed.
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dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.titleMinas antipersonales durante el conflicto armado colombiano
dc.typeApropiación Social y Circulación del Conocimiento: Evento científico con componente de apropiación

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