dc.creatorSegura Torres, Dario Alejandro
dc.creatorForero García, Edwin Francisco
dc.identifierReferences Segura-Torres, D. A., & Forero-García, E. F. (2019). Architecture for the management of a remote practical learning platform for engineering education. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 519, 12020. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/519/1/012020
dc.description.abstractAbstract. In the Scientific, Technological and Academic environment in which the world of today is developed, it is important to permanently update the instruments, platforms and elements with which educational requirements are met. In this sense, engineering is one of the disciplines with the greatest changes, emergencies and innovations per unit of time. Learning tools therefore require constant evolution to facilitate the appropriation of knowledge in an easy and continuously available way for students and teachers. So far it is clear that the intervention of laboratory practices as learning strategies, guarantee a solid education for students in engineering. These practices are the scenarios where the student verifies the theoretical knowledge and validates with real results the application of mathematical and statistical models, which are set around a specific learning in engineering. Continue the development of these activities not only in a traditional way, but including innovations that the same engineering allows from the use of different technologies is a challenge, which can be assumed with the application of the same discipline and be projected to other fields of the education, to facilitate personalized and asynchronous learning. This paper presents the design and architecture for the implementation and management of a new educational platform for the development of Remote Practical Learning experiences for electrical machine laboratories. This platform integrates the possibility of remote interaction with the machine and its connection, as well as obtaining test parameters through measurement interfaces and real-time visualization. In this way engineering and technology at the service of Engineering Education is used, which will increase access to higher education to a greater number of people and will make the educational experience much more pleasant
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleArchitecture for the management of a remote practical learning platform for engineering education
dc.typeGeneración de Nuevo Conocimiento: Artículos publicados en revistas especializadas - Electrónicos

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