Aplicación de temáticas en ingeniería civil levantamiento topográfico, planimétrico y altimétrico cumpliendo con los requisitos de la resolución 060 del 16 de abril del 2018 establecidos por la secretaría de planeación municipal como aporte al proceso de legalización del barrio Montecarlo Alto en la Ciudad de Villavicencio
2020-08-01Registro en:
Luna, Z; Torres, K. & Nieves, A. (2020). Aplicación de temáticas en ingeniería civil levantamiento topográfico, planimétrico y altimétrico cumpliendo con los requisitos de la resolución 060 del 16 de abril del 2018 establecidos por la secretaría de planeación municipal como aporte al proceso de legalización del barrio Montecarlo Alto en la Ciudad de Villavicencio. Trabajo de grado. Universidad Santo Tomás. Villavicencio
Luna Reyes, Zahira Alejandra
Torres Rodriguez, Karen Julieth
Nieves Herrera, Anderson Javier
In this project a solution is developed with a vision of social contribution to a problem that currently faces a community that, for more than forty years, settled and currently lives in Villavicencio commune 8 specifically in the Montecarlo Alto neighborhood; which is the lack of resources for the management of equipment and trained personnel to carry out the topographic survey of the entire neighborhood, as requested by the Planning Secretariat of the municipality of Villavicencio in the department of Meta.
This community has begun its legalization process more than two decades ago and one of the most important resources to complete this procedure is the delivery of plans and documents stipulated in Resolution 060 of April 16, 2018, in which they describe the guidelines that must be met for the correct delivery of these documents.
Through the execution of this project, we seek to make a contribution to civil engineering professionals, focused on topographic knowledge and the process of legislation, to comply with the requirements issued by the state, as an entity that regulates all legalization process.
The survey is required starting with the georeferencing of the two plates, to carry out the survey of the properties and the details requested in the Resolution. Finally, after preparing the plans, the compilation of all the necessary information, this work is presented in the first instance at the Santo Tomás University and in the second instance in the community of the Montecarlo neighborhood, which they manage to give continuity to the resumption This process of legalization of the Montecarlo Alto neighborhood in the city of Villavicencio.
Taking into account the above, the people who inhabit this neighborhood have all the conditions in their favor to grant legitimacy so that it is recognized before the State.