dc.contributorCastaño Bedoya, Alejandro
dc.creatorAscanio Bayona, Daira Zulid
dc.creatorLozano Mahecha, César
dc.identifierAscanio Bayona, D. Z., & Lozano Mahecha, C. (2021). VOLVER A LA TIERRA: La política de restitución de tierras como estrategia para la generación de medios de vida sostenibles en María la Baja - Bolivar.
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractThe village of Mampuján, located in the municipality of María La Baja, department of Bolívar, was devastated by one of the most violent events in the modern history of Colombia, its inhabitants were stripped of their lands, their goods and traditions, forcing them to seek livelihoods in different places and in latent conditions of vulnerability; This fact and many more that have occurred in the country have been the subject of study by the State, for the case of this investigation, the public policy for attention to victims and land restitution, Law 1448 of 2011, is the object of analysis. which measures of care, assistance and comprehensive reparation are dictated to the victims of the internal armed conflict, such as those that occurred in this district, seeking that the victims can be comprehensively repaired under this Law, understanding that the person remains equal or better conditions than those it had at the time of the victimizing event, which is why, from the investigation, it is sought to be able to determine whether the land restitution process allows the generation of sustainable livelihoods as a mechanism for overcoming poverty, guaranteeing the transformative approach of said law and the effective enjoyment of rights, in this sense, the investigation will focus on conducting an analysis from the moment that the demand for land restitution is presented, focusing on the analysis of the ruling issued by the judges, additionally supported by the measurement of the Multidimensional Poverty Index - MPI and the information recorded in the characterization processes, this, by virtue of validating whether Since the ruling, the necessary conditions are generated for the generation of Sustainable Livelihoods, referenced under the five capitals (Social, Financial, Natural, Physical and Human), and therefore the spirit of the standard is met through the instrumentalization of it.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherMaestría Planeación para el Desarrollo
dc.publisherFacultad de Sociología
dc.relationLey 1448 (Congreso de la República de Colombia 2011).
dc.relationSentencia 001 RAD 13224-31-21-002-2012-001-00 (Juzgado Segundo Civil del Circuito Especializado en Restitución de Tierras 16 de Octubre de 2012).
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dc.relationSentencia 002 RAD 13-244-31-21-001-2012-002 (Juzgado Primero CIvil del Circuito Especializado en Restitución de Tierras del Carmen de Bolívar 03 de 12 de 2012).
dc.relationRadicad Matriz 13-244-31-21-001-2013-001, 13-244-31-21-001-2013-061 (Juzgado Primero Civil del Circuito Especializado en Restitución de Tierras de El Carmen de Bolívar 29 de Octubre de 2013).
dc.relationSentencia 001 RAD 13-244-31-21-002-2013-00014-00 (Juzgado Segundo Civil del Circuito Especializado en Restitución de Tierras 16 de Agosto de 2013).
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleVolver a la Tierra: La política de restitución de tierras como estrategia para la generación de medios de vida sostenibles en María la Baja - Bolivar.

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