Capítulo 1: Estudio introductorio: Dominicos, arte y predicación
2014Registro en:
Alzate , C., Benavides, F. & Escobar , A .(2014). Religiosidad e imagen: aproximaciones a la colección de arte colonial de la Orden de Predicadores de Colombia. Bogotá: Ediciones USTA
Alzate Montes, Fray Carlos Mario O.P.
Benavides Silva, Fabián Leonardo
Escobar Herrera, Andrés Mauricio
The general purpose of this work is to contribute to the study of the religious art in the Order of Preachers in the New Kingdom of
Preachers of the New Kingdom of Granada during the Colony. While it is true that the subject of colonial art
colonial art has recently gained great prominence in the national historiography,
this was practically unpublished in the historiographic horizon on the Dominicans in Colombia,
despite the fact that the community was the repository of an extensive art collection. In this sense, we
In this sense, we highlight the role of Father Provincial Orlando Rueda Acevedo, o.p., who for a couple of decades has been
for a couple of decades he has been concerned that in the cultural environment in general, and among the Dominican
family, to know, rescue and value their artistic patrimony (Rueda, 1995, p. 565).