dc.contributorCastillo Castro, Norha Ismaelina
dc.contributorNovoa Campos, Mauricio
dc.creatorSantamaria Castellanos, Laura Marcela
dc.identifierEstrategias de crecimiento y expansión de mercados.
dc.description.abstractThis Report looks to understand the interculturality in the businesses, where it wants to search about the behaviour of two really important companies and answers both the effectiveness and the scope in the opening to new markets. It also wants to identify the advantages and disadvantages at the moment when Colombian companies are interest to set up their business to international markets. For doing an analysis in this study, it has been taken as an example to Bimbo and Ramo, the first one from Mexico and the other one a Colombian company. Both of them are in the Bakery market. In Bimbo we can observe an entrepreneurship case, We´ve got the opportunity to visit one plant of Bimbo located in Mexico, and there it can be observed the great commitments that the organization has with society and the environment, observing its level of innovation in different aspects. On the other hand we take Ramo, this one is found in many Colombian homes due to its tradition in the market of Colombia. It is important to remember that both companies have been founded in different places of Latin America, it means that they have had a distinct way in their business growth. For this reason we will take the help of Marketing and cover the important aspects in the expansion of markets (Culture, values and others) of this way we are going to understand the result of the variables
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleLa capacidad con que cuentan las empresas colombianas en estrategias de crecimiento y expansión de mercados

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