dc.contributorAvendaño Prieto, Gerardo
dc.creatorCorredor Pinilla, Cristian David
dc.identifierCorredor Pinilla, C. D. (2022). Diseño de una propuesta de mejoramiento de la planeación agregada de una empresa del sector lácteo mediante un modelo de programación lineal. [Trabajo de pregrado, Universidad Santo Tomás]. Repositorio institucional.
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractThe dairy industry faces a competitive environment, this has led to producers facing a logical restructuring in their operations, pressuring them to improve their production planning to meet the dynamics of demand in the market, the relentless emergence of new players in the market leads companies to create intelligence units to know the markets, so that the way in which their processes are carried out must evolve in such a way as to make the most of resources, normally, the production plan and manufacturing is guided by marketing planning, the production plan determines how to use and allocate resources efficiently, that is why companies have to develop strategies that are framed with what consumers live and with the reality that surrounds them, and one of these strategies is to find the best way to do things internally, planning and scheduling the means needed to manufacture, using human resources, technological systems, machines that strategically enable the achievement of managerial goals. (Yaghin, 2020) Information technology in industry has become a competitive strategy that supports business processes by providing interconnection and globalization, both altering the rules of competition, Therefore, it is a determining factor as strategic and operational support supporting immediate decisions and adaptations of disruptive markets. That is why a new challenge is presented in which we must rethink the way things have been done, in other words, analyze and modify the process of planning and programming of production, making it more optimal, so day by day to become more competitive. (Hernandez, Lora Freyre, Moreno Garcia, Parra Perez, & Fajardo Alcolea, 2017) The present research designs the aggregate production plan in a dairy industry by performing linear programming models based on resource constraints that restrict the model, in order to solve the problem of overproduction that the company has. The case study is the company Villa del Queso dedicated to the production of dairy products research will be carried out in the environment as the production chain has been developing in order to present a proposal for improvement in its production plan. In order to design the production plan, a diagnosis of the situation will be made, analysing how its production processes and productive activities are carried out, since they have generated a surplus of output, bearing in mind that it already has a structured plan that does not meet management targets, the forecast of the time series best suited to the production capacity and demand of its historical sales will then be determined, the production plan shall then be established taking into account the historical information of the production periods, then determine the inventory capacity that the company can have with the compression of the above linear programming models are used with the goal of minimizing costs under the limitations of the organization. In accordance with this it is sought to understand which is the production process more suited to the production of dairy products and also established which model best responds to fluctuations in demand therefore in this research mathematical formulismos will be used will be optimized with a high-level tool such as the General Algebraic Modeling System software.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Ingeniería Industrial
dc.publisherFacultad de Ingeniería Industrial
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleDiseño de una propuesta de mejoramiento de la planeación agregada de una empresa del sector lácteo mediante un modelo de programación lineal.

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