Colombia | Formación de Recurso Humano para la Ctel: Proyecto ejecutado con investigadores en empresas, industrias y Estado
dc.creatorDuque García, Rosa Elena
dc.creatorGonzález Gutiérrez, Luis Felipe
dc.description.abstractThis research project aims to generate a theoretical proposal, based on systemic-constructionist psychology, that describes the processes associated with online identity in the era of cyberculture. Thanks to the contributions of Levy (2007, 2004), cyberculture has become a social and cultural project that has transformed the way people relate to technology and the digital world. This has brought consequences in the development of people's identity, with echoes that have taken up disciplines such as communication theories (Scolari, 2008, 2015; Elwell, 2014), computational theories and philosophy (Simondon, 2013, 2017 ); In this sense, in the absence of postmodern theories in psychology that understand these digital transformations, the construction of a theoretical corpus is proposed, which describes the conditions for the systematic study of online identity. Through a method based on grounded theory, it is expected to create conceptual categories that allow the understanding of phenomena such as online identity, offline identity, cyber identity, among others, seen from a relational and recursive perspective. In this way, it is hoped to contribute to the panorama of studies on the digital age, with a Latin American perspective, which will make it possible to contribute to the theoretical development of the continent on cyberculture and psychology.
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleLa identidad online en la era de la cibercultura: una propuesta teórica desde la psicología sistémico-construccionista.
dc.typeFormación de Recurso Humano para la Ctel: Proyecto ejecutado con investigadores en empresas, industrias y Estado

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