dc.creatorGómez Cáceres, Sarai
dc.creatorMejía Naranjo, Daniela
dc.creatorGuerra, Ricardo
dc.description.abstractThis research project focuses on the analysis of the narratives of violence represented in the literary work Viento Seco (1953) and the play Si el río hablara (2014). This in order to investigate the relationship between the communication horizon and its interdisciplinary role with literary and dramatic representations. On the other hand, the preponderant role of the body and the performance and exploration of literary and theatrical resources. For this, it will be resorted to make a detailed study of the literature of violence in Colombia, the historical and current context and, the ways in which they have been narrated, communication resources. Also, will investigate the possible discourses that spread and impacted in the contexts represented in the works with the historical written in other sources, on violence in Colombia, in relation to the years of publication of the textualities, the different types of violence, the possible edges of it, the characters, the modus operandi, among other categories that the analysis of the works regarding their communicative, literary and theatrical resources. In summary, this research seeks to investigate the form, distribution and representation of discourses of violence and representations, which highlight these works through a analysis of each, taking into account the resources of each textuality and the way in which these representations contribute to the memory. Finally, this project seeks to analyze if they have been relocated and established at present, or if they are part of the practices cultural current, this will be studied through focus group with young people, adults and older adults. For this, the communication as the central axis of the forms of distribution of messages, and, to literary and theatrical resources, in order to make an interdisciplinary and intertextual analysis of the three fields (communication, literature and theater)
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 2.5 Colombia
dc.titleNarrativas y representaciones: indagaciones discursivas de la violencia en las atmósferas literarias
dc.typeFormación de Recurso Humano para la Ctel: Proyecto ejecutado con investigadores en empresas, industrias y Estado

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