dc.creatorCañón Pineda, René Alfonso
dc.identifierCañon, A. (2019). Explorando el concepto de Neuropolítica. Universidad Santo Tomás. Working Paper N°01
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this document is to introduce a possible approach to topics related to current societies, especially those that base their political system on democracy and its different aspects. Also, it presents the steps to be followed in the doctoral research process of the coming years. Therefore, a brief exploration of the current state of research, production and dissemination in the field of neuroscience is presented, especially in its relationship with ethics and political philosophy, focusing on the concept of "Neuropolitics". Some of the most relevant researchers currently dealing with the subject are referred to this concept, both for their previous production and for their ongoing research.
dc.relationBRADER, TED. (2006): Campaigning for hearts and minds, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.
dc.relationCASTELLS, MANUEL. (2009): Comunicación y poder, Madrid, Alianza editorial.
dc.relationCORTINA, ADELA. (2011): Neuroética y neuropolítica. Sugerencias para la educación moral, Madrid, Editorial Tecnos
dc.relationCHANGEUX, JEAN PIERRE, RICOEUR, PAUL. (1999): Lo que nos hace pensar. La naturaleza y la regla, Barcelona, Ediciones Península.
dc.relationJ. Haidt, F. Bjorklund y S. Murphy. «Moral dumfounding: when intuition finds no reason». Texto inédito, p. 2.
dc.relationIACOBONI, MARCO. (2009): Las neuronas espejo, Buenos Aires, Katz editores
dc.relationLAKOFF, GEORGE. (2007): No pienses un elefante. Lenguaje y debate político, Madrid, Editorial complutense.
dc.relationMARCUS, GEORGE, NEUMAN, RUSSELL. (2000): Affective intelligence and political judgment, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.
dc.titleExplorando el concepto de Neuropolítica
dc.typeApropiación Social y Circulación del Conocimiento: Documento de trabajo (working papers)

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