dc.contributorLondoño Restrepo, Diana Catalina
dc.creatorPedraza Álvarez, Douglas
dc.identifierPedraza Álvarez Douglas. (2019). Propuesta de integración de los proyectos ambientales escolares (PRAES), con el plan institucional de gestión ambiental (PIGA) y la ISO 14001:2015, en el colegio distrital ciudad de Villavicencio de Bogotá
dc.description.abstractThe School Environmental Projects (PRAE), are pedagogical projects that are developed in all the Educational Institutions of Colombia whose objective is the promotion, analysis and understanding of the problems that are generated from the local, regional and national environmental potentials, generating spaces of participation to implement solutions in accordance with natural and sociocultural dynamics (Education, 2017). The Institutional Environmental Management Plan (PIGA) is the planning instrument that starts from the analysis of the institutional environmental situation, for the proposal of environmental management actions that guarantee compliance with the eco-efficiency objectives established in Decree 456 of 2008. To this end, each educational Institution of the District must develop its environmental diagnosis, according to the characteristics of its environment, build the matrix of environmental aspects and impacts and establish the controls required to eliminate or mitigate the risks associated with the aspects identified environmental (Secretary of District Education, 2018) The District Educational Institutions of Bogota (IED) comply with the requirements of the environmental management system (SGA) of the Ministry of Education, through the monitoring of the activities outlined in the PIGA document, they also develop a series of activities proposed through the School Environmental Project (PRAE) and to a large extent in the classroom projects, it is considered of vital importance within the school, to initiate a transversal work between the areas and the environmental management within the institution, in order to achieve greater protection. of natural resources and the environment, fostering a responsible environmental culture in the educational community that demonstrates that the institution is a consolidated and strengthened entity in the environmental issue within the locality and city. For the development of this research, the following techniques for data collection will be applied: Observation, the application of a diagnostic matrix under ISO 14001: 2015 in order to determine the degree of compliance with the requirements in schools selected for the research and a survey will be applied to the teachers and leading PRAES students, in order to identify the activities that correlate with the school's environmental management system. The objective of the research is to prepare a proposal for the integration of the PIGA Environmental Management Institutional Plan and the PRAE environmental school project, aligned with the requirements of NTC ISO 14001 at the Ciudad de Villavicencio school in the town of Usme, in order to that in the documentation of these two projects, it is possible to harmonize under the strategy of the PHVA cycle, all activities that contemplate environmental management within the institution and compliance with current environmental legal regulations and the continuous improvement of the system
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dc.titlePropuesta de integración de los proyectos ambientales escolares (PRAES), con el plan institucional de gestión ambiental (PIGA) y la ISO 14001:2015, en el colegio distrital ciudad de Villavicencio de Bogotá

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