Caja de herramientas para el cumplimiento de las obligaciones en materia de SST y la mejora organizacional en las mypes productoras de hayacas de Villavicencio
2022-06-15Registro en:
Osorio Aldana, M; Herrera Hincapié, L. & Baquero Suarez, O. (2022). Caja de herramientas para el cumplimiento de las obligaciones en materia de SST y la mejora organizacional en las mypes productoras de hayacas de Villavicencio. [Tesis de Maestría, Universidad Santo Tomás]. Repositorio
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Osorio Aldana, María Eugenia,
Herrera Hincapié, Laura Melissa,
Baquero Suarez, Olga Lucia,
Legal regulations have been established in Colombia for the compliance of legal standards inside small business. Among those standards there is the decree 1072 from 2015 which focuses on health and safety in the workplace, the resolution 312 from 2019
where minimum legal standards are set in this area, this one is set to be mandatory, additionally, the norm NTC - ISO 6001 which determines the management system for micro and small business (MYPES in Spanish).
It is necessary to establish an administrative system which allows micro-businesses to maintain different processes systematically, so that they comply with the quality standards, legality, security, and health in the workplace. It must be done by taking into account the requirements from the interested parties and then adapting to those changes which may emerge in different contexts also taking into account the size and business nature.
The current investigative process is focused on creating A practical tool box for the MYPES which produce “hayacas” in the city of Villavicencio. This could aloe them to implement a simple, adaptable management system complying with legal requirements
from the Colombian law and regulations.
The tool box which is the outcome of the current research will be provided to the microbusinesses that were part of the process. This will be done for them to form organizations that accomplish the implementation and maintenance of the management system which follows the Colombian regulations. This process will allow the micro-businesses a higher competitiveness level and better response to the needs of the market.
Keywords: micro-businesses, management system, norm NTC ISO 6001, safety and occupational health management system, decree 1072 of 2015, resolution 312 of 2019, tool box.